Sunday 30 March 2014

Apprenticeship Blended Learning

Traditionally apprenticeship training is done in school but Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) has started a blended apprenticeship program. This is a new format being offered to apprentices that combines on-line and in-class learning.

Rather than students spending their entire schooling in class, they now have the option to complete the theoretical portion online prior to going to the school to complete the hands-on portion of their training.

This is beneficial for both employers and apprentices. The students are spending less time away from work which means more money in their pockets and the employers get to keep skilled workers on the job site longer.

This is one of the first blended programs in Canada and is going to pave the way for apprenticeship training in the future.

Here is the link to SAIT's Blended Learning.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Area of a Circle

Being in the piping trade and the fact that pipes are round, one of the things we have to teach our students about is area of a circle. In school we are taught the area of a circle is:


But where does this formula come from? I always just accepted this was the formula, but I was asked this by a student recently and I didn't have an answer for him.

I went on my computer and found this video that does a great job of explaining the formula. After I showed the video to my class I found that once they understood where the formula came form using the formula became a lot easier for them.