Saturday 15 March 2014

Change in the Education System

The structure of today's education system is in dire need of an overhaul and has needed it for sometime.

"How Schools Kill Creativity" by Ken Robinson is a very interesting video about how the school system is taking away kids creativity and forcing them into the subjects society deems to be more "important."

Ken Robinsons main focus in this video is on the Arts, and how schools focus too much on Math, English and Science, and are quick to dismiss the arts. I think that what he says also applies to the trades. My experience in school was do good in school then go to college. Not once during my education did anyone ever mention to me that I could make make a living working with your hands. That needs to change.

Every year we hear about shortages with skilled trade workers, yet we don't inform young adults that these opportunities are out there. 

I think the school system needs to stop forcing kids into certain subjects. Instead the schools need to show kids all the different opportunities that are out there and let them pursue a career in something that they are passionate about.

If you enjoy this video here are a couple more of his videos:

Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!

Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley


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